Friday, April 10, 2015

Golf Cleat damage

     The last couple of years I have been noticing an increase in damage to our greens by the new more aggressive golf shoe cleat.  I can actual follow the footsteps of the golfer wearing these cleats on our greens.  These cleats leave such a big imprint in the green that after mowing you can still see the imprint.  In the beginning it was one maybe two manufactures using the aggressive cleat but now I believe all manufactures are using the aggressive cleat.  It has gotten so bad that some courses are now banning certain soft cleats.  I don't believe we are at that point yet but if the new cleats are on all new shoes it will not take long for us to see damage around the cup like we use to see when metal spikes were the norm.  I think some of these new cleats are actual worst than metal spikes.  Here is a link to an article about the problem,
It is a lengthy article but has some good information.  I am just trying to make you aware that there is a potential problem  that could affect our golf course.

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