Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Big Freeze

      It is that time of year.  With the bitter cold temperatures the ground has frozen solid.  Later in the week we will have temperatures climb up to near 50 degrees.  Greens need to thaw to at least 2'' before play is allowed.  The green surface needs sunlight to help in the thawing process.  Snow cover will slow this process up.  When snow melts we will be checking greens multiple times a day when we have at least 2'' of thaw in all our greens we will open.  Root shearing can cause severe turfgrass problems.  Diagram below show how root shearing is done by playing on thawing greens.  Thanks for your cooperation.   

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Tree work

     We have been very busy working on underbrush and tree removal the past 2 months.  We started with underbrush to the east side of 10 green and worked our way down the fence to 12 black tee.  Air movement is what we are trying to enhance on 10 and 11 greens.  The next  thing was to remove 10 trees around 10 green.  This will help with light, air movement and help establish much better turf on the back side of 10 green.  We will be removing 4 trees to the south and east of 11 green also.  These trees are shading 11 green.  All trees removed were trees selected by the USGA Agronomist John Daniels during his visit last summer.  There are 2 trees at #11 we are cutting down because they are leaning heavy over the fence.  If they fall it will destroy the fence giving the cattle access to the golf course.

     Some of the trees removed from #10 were in bad shape.  We cut two trees down that were hollow.  the picture below is the tree that was right next to cart path leaving 10 green.
     After we remove the stumps we are going to grade and sod both sides of cart path behind 10 green.  This will be a huge improvement.  Trees will not allow good turf to grow under them.  Below are some pictures of both 10 and 11.

10 green

We chipped the tops

10 green

11 green

We cut brush and then chipped it with our chipper

11 green completed

My staff has worked very hard.  We were able to cut down and clean up 2 trees a day unless play was heavy.  We had a few days the golf course was extremely busy for winter.