We completed our fall greens aerification yesterday. I would like to thank my staff for a job well done. It took 12 people counting myself 2 days to get this important cultural practice done. I have a very good crew that works very hard. So here we go in alphabetical order Thank You, Connor, Dan, Duane, Kaley, Ken, Kyle, Larry, Mike, Nick, Rob, and Tim.
Aerating greens is a very labor intensive task that must be done if you want good greens. We are removing thatch and allowing Oxygen to get into the root zone and CO2 to escape the root zone. It also allows water to flow freely into the root zone. I can talk about the health benefits of aeration which I have done many times before. Lets talk numbers. You already have one number 12, 12 people to get this job done. Our Toro Pro Core aerator punched 81 holes per sq. ft. That converts to 81,000 holes per 1000 ft. sq. We have 88,000 sq. ft. of greens. That means we punch a grand total of 7,128,000 holes. My operator that ran the aerifier walked over 5 miles. We used 80,000 lbs. of sand to fill up the holes left by the aerator. We applied 500 lbs. of Organic fertilizer to our greens. I could keep going put I think I gave you enough info. We punched a lot of holes and it takes 9 people to clean up the greens after they have been punched one person to apply the sand to the greens 1 person to brush sand into the holes and one person (myself) to apply fertilizer change cup and make sure everything is running as smoothly as it can.
Our greens love aerification. All the aeration holes we made will be gone in about 1 week. The root system of the greens will seek out the aeration holes. This makes our greens healthy and stronger. It is a win win for the greens and the golfer. Greens will not be mowed until next week. We will be brushing and rolling greens. By the end of next week greens will be back. Sorry for your inconvenience at this time.
We double verticut before aeration
After verticut
Aerating green
Cleaning up cores
Blowing off greens after picking up cores
Applying sand
Dragging sand into open holes